New this year, Spotify is adding a “music personality” feature to Wrapped. This is a Myers-Briggs-eque system that will analyze how you listen and assigns you one of 16 flattering categories. These include things like Adventurer, Fanclubber or Specialist. This is likely going to be a bit feature for Spotify Wrapped this year, as the younger generation love to be categorized. This year, Spotify Wrapped will also include a breakdown of listeners’ habits throughout the day. That includes breaking down which music moods you gravitate toward in the morning, afternoon and night. Spotify is also bringing back artist messages, that allow stars like Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish and others to thank their listeners for listening to them for so long on Spotify.

How can I find my Spotify Wrapped

As usual, Spotify Wrapped is only in the Spotify app on iPhone, iPad and Android. So you’ll need to open the app to find it. But once you do, it should show up in the very center of the main home page of the app. Just tap on that and you’ll be taken into your Spotify Wrapped. It’s a pretty cool recap that Spotify includes, and it has gained a lot of features over the years. Making it even more impressive. Though a lot of people like to share on Twitter how many minutes they spent listening to songs on Spotify. So it’s another way of bragging, but it’s also free marketing for Spotify.