Activision Blizzard confirmed last year that it was looking to adapt all of its most popular IP for mobile in the future. Thanks to the breakout success of Call Of Duty: Mobile. Aside from Diablo Immortal ending its most recent public testing phase earlier this year, today’s financial results details are the first we’ve heard of anything regarding the next big Activision Blizzard IP to make the jump. Turns out, Warcraft will be that franchise. And players may end up laying eyes on it sooner than they imagine.

The new Warcraft mobile game may start testing this year

Most of Activision Blizzard’s earnings press release focuses on sales numbers and other data. But there are tidbits about what the studios are working on for 2022. Under the Blizzard segment, it says Blizzard is planning “substantial” new content for the Warcraft franchise in 2022. There are a few key highlights. Both World Of Warcraft and Hearthstone will have new experiences this year. That probably means new major patches for WoW and a new expansion and/or adventure for Hearthstone. Blizzard also states that there will be all-new mobile Warcraft content coming, and it’s planning to get it into players’ hands for the first time this year. Since it directly references Hearthstone in relation to its own new experiences, it’s safe to assume the “all-new mobile Warcraft content” isn’t something to do with Hearthstone. It’s also clear that whatever the content ends up being, it’s a game of some kind. Blizzard suggests as much by saying it wants to get the content into “players’” hands in 2022. For Warcraft fans, this could be huge. And although it’s not necessarily going to be a fully-fledged MMO for mobile devices, there’s a good chance it’ll be fun. Blizzard’s hard work and effort with Diablo Immortal prove that Blizzard is serious about making good mobile games for its iconic franchises.